How to Use This Site

Welcome, Consociatus Class of 1972!

Please read this page to help you navigate our class website, create or add information to your profile, and choose a password.

This site was created using I am happy to serve as the volunteer website administrator for our class, and hope that you enjoy using the site and reconnecting with other classmates. Not only is the site easy to create, the best thing is that the pages can be password protected to keep out search engines and spammers. The info here will be accessible only to class members. The site was also upgraded with a secure security certificate in 2020.

This site is FREE to use for all classmates. The costs involved in hosting this site are covered by donations to our reunion fund, and if you would like to donate to keep this website up and running, as well as planning future reunions, we will be happy to accept your donations. Any size donation is much appreciated! See the Donation link in the upper left column.

Hopefully this site will be pretty easy to use for most of us, but if you have any questions, feel free to contact me for help. To do that, click on the "contact us" tab in the upper tabs of the page and send me a message.  I will update this page as necessary.

Take a little time to familiarize yourself with the way the site works, and please start by filling in your profile with any additional information or photos you'd like to share with classmates. You can then access the password protected pages.

Step One: click on the Classmate Profiles link. This will take you to our class list. Find your name and click on it. Create your profile. Choose a password and write it down in a handy spot where you hopefully won't lose it - this will be the password you will use to access the site each time you use it.  If you click the "Remember Me" button, it will log you in every time. (If you lose your password, I do not have access to it. All I can do is assist you in resetting it if you forget it. Or, use the "forgot password" feature and reset it yourself.) You can add as much other information and photos as you'd like to share with the rest of the class of 1972.

If your name isn't on our class list, let me know so we can add you. We'll include anyone who went thru school with our class, even if you moved away or did not graduate with us.

All the contact information you register with (address, phone, email) is confidential and used only to contact you for class related announcements. Our policy is to NOT release any information to anyone without your express permission. You have the option of keeping your address and phone, and personal info hidden, or not. If you send a message to another classmate's profile your email will be shown so they can respond. Check or uncheck the buttons to adjust your privacy to your comfort level.  I will suggest that you click the Profile Visibility button to restrict your profile to only those with password entry to the site, unless you are fine with it being visible to anyone visiting this website.

IMPORTANT: If your info changes, you can update your profile at any time by clicking "Edit Profile." Please keep your contact info current for when we send announcements for class events. To log in you must use the email address you signed up with, even if you no longer use it - because that is your log-in, until you get into your profile to update it. Remember to visit at least a couple times a year to make sure your info is up to date - especially for upcoming reunions!

Thanks for adding your profile! Come back soon as we add more info to the site frequently.

~ Karin (Mussell) Gable



Grace Inuma Hutchings at

Co-Administrators of this site are Grace Inuma Hutchings, Ken Karagozian and Kathy Oborn